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Laurent de Soras

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HIIR 1.50 2024-08-09

I updated the HIIR library to v1.50. The main addition is the 64-bit floating point NEON implementation for AArch64.

Domain change 2024-08-02

This website was down for a week, most likely because of a technical failure at the hosting service level (free.fr). However there is no simple way to contact the technical support when you are not a paying customer. I run this website for more than 25 years (started on Mygale.org) and this is the prefect opportunity to switch to another host, making more sense from a political point of view.

So the new address is a bit simpler, this is now https://ldesoras.fr. Please update your bookmarks !

The new hosting service is Ouvaton. And we now have TLS (the https thing), although it doesn’t bring much for a website made only of static pages without sensible data, but some web browsers are reluctant to use the old http mode.

The downside : I’ll have to check all the external pages referencing the old address to update it, or contact the admins to make them change it.

Audio input and output modules 2024-06-19

I’m releasing today several building blocks for interfacing an audio processing board with the outside world, via audio connectors. This is a collection of small modular boards for buffering audio inputs and driving output lines, with several types of connectors (XLR, jack). I had these files for a long time on my computer but there was a bit of work needed to clean them up for a public release, so obviously I procrastinated a few years before giving them an appropriate treatment…

Underpass EP + Pédale Vite updates 2024-05-02

My band Sound of the Void just released a new 6-track EP, called Underpass. Make sure to check it out! As usual, all the music is free (as in “free beer” and “free speech”).

Pédale Vite had also benefited from significant updates recently, it now runs a Raspberry Pi 5 and the rotary encoders have been replaced by endless potentiometers, for smoother action. Upgrading to Pi 5 was a lot of work (hardware is completely different), increasing the major version number to v3, but because the physical appearance hasn’t changed, I still mention it as a v2 on this website.

Picogen 2023-08-29

I built a signal generator called Picogen around a Raspberry RP2040 microcontroller used as a DAC. Full schematics and code included.

Daisy Seed 2023-06-09

I added a new section in the source code page with tools for the Daisy Seed, an embedded platform for audio processing.

Flight case 2023-01-23

Pas beaucoup de nouveautés dernièrement ! Je viens de concevoir et defabriquer un flight case pour Pédale Vite. Détails ici. Pendant ce temps je m’éternise sur une modification du logiciel interne qui me pemettra de placer facilement des simulateurs d’ampli en sortie sans interférer avec les programmes d’effets. À suivre…

C++ file templates 2022-06-02

I ported my file template generator for C++ source to a VSIX extension for VS2019, written in C#. It was previously a set of Visual Basic macros but worked only with VS2005.

ChickenDream 2022-04-11

ChickenDream is a new plug-in for Vapoursynth and Avisynth+. It emulates film grain using a realistic model, described in the following papers: here and here. It gives stunning results, especially with coarse grain, where usual grain generation algorithms fail hard. However the results have to be balanced with the highly CPU-intensive processing.

I also updated fmtconv, now using Vapoursynth API v4.

Cass&Tord 2022-04-02

Another music project: Cass&Tord. We recorded an EP earlier in January in Trash Palace Studio, it is now available on the band website.

Updates for fmtconv 2021-10-30

I spent the last few weeks updating fmtconv, notably by adding a plug-in for Avisynth+ and improving the HDR support.

Graoumf Tracker 2 r26 2021-07-27

Another Graoumf Tracker 2 update, this time with a surprise contribution from long-time user David L. So now there are at least two GT users across the world for this 25+ years-old piece of software.

Also fmtconv has been updated to r23.

Graoumf Tracker 2 r25 2021-03-14

Quick update for the very dusty Graoumf Tracker 2. JB/dDash asked me a functionnality to load dozens of samples in a single click.

More updates 2020-10-10

There is a new release of the HIIR library again (v1.32). I also released updated versions of the Dither (v1.28.0) filters set for AviSynth as well as the MVTools (v2.6.1.0) and AVSTP (v1.04).

HIIR library updated to v1.31 2020-07-15

The HIIR library now includes a function to desgin a half-band filter with a requirement on the group delay. This is useful to get integer group delay values (in samples) that can be easily compensated when mixing processed and unprocessed signals.

Nouvel article : Introduction aux filtres numériques à topologie préservée 2020-04-23

J’ai pondu un petit article sur la conception de filtres numériques modélisés à partir de circuits analogiques. Le sujet est évidemment très vaste et l’article en égratigne à peine la surface. Toutefois il devrait donner suffisamment d’outils, de méthodes et de pistes pour commencer à coder des filtres réalistes. Je voulais surtout présenter des méthodes alternatives à la BLT classique, tout en rendant compréhensible un sujet sur lequel il existe peu de ressources simples destinées aux novices, allant droit au but. C’est une sorte de marche intermédiaire entre le sol de ce bas monde et les annexes techniques très formalisées des simulateurs de circuits comme Spice ou Qucs.

HIIR library updated to v1.30 2020-03-13

For this Friday the 13rd, the HIIR library got a major update. It now supports double (64-bit float) operations. There are SSE2 and AVX implementations, thanks to Dario Mambro. I took the opportunity to add AVX-512 support, as well as missing parallel N-channel implementations for the Hilbert phaser. I improved a few things with the SSE and NEON single-channel resamplers, too. I checked compatibility and performances with the most recent compilers on Intel and ARM platforms.

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[Home] [Productions] [Misc] Website by Laurent de Soras, 2003–2024